What is Earth Song?

jess studio

Everyone has a unique song that they were born to sing on Earth. It’s their voice, their sound, their frequency. It’s their Earth Song.

At Earth Song, we strive to guide each student in tapping into their unique song — to express their innate gifts with confidence, comfort, and joy.

More than music lessons

At Earth Song, our mission is to nurture creativity, confidence, and communication through music and beyond. Over the years, it has become clear to us that we are not just music teachers - we are confidence teachers, creativity teachers, communication teachers, a compassionate ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, a trusted friend and mentor to count on every week. Music lessons present countless opportunities to practice and nurture these important life-long skills and relationships.

We make it a priority to really get to know our students. Understanding each other’s personalities, unique interests, disinterests, and skills is integral to what we do. We sincerely care about each and every student, their family, and the branch that they create off of our Earth Song family tree.

We are honored to be a part of our students’ journeys as they grow and learn through the enjoyment of music, creativity, laughter, and community.

Meet the owners

Married couple Jess & Andrew Smith opened Earth Song Creative Arts in July 2018.

Jess and Andrew are musicians, teachers, and creatives who own and operate Earth Song Creative Arts LLC from their home - a 19th century farmhouse in East Coventry Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania.

The Smiths welcomed their daughter, Winter Lyra Smith, to the world in March 2021.

Jess & Andrew’s eclectic musical styles, skills, and knowledge pair uniquely. While Jess is a classically trained pianist with an intuitive knack for improvisation and a love for singing, Andrew is a jack-of-all-trades front-man, songwriter, and video producer/editor. 

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Get to know them and you’ll quickly sense the balance their personalities bring to Earth Song. Think of Jess as the yin and Andrew as the yang.

Both graduates of West Chester University with degrees in Music Education, Jess & Andrew have taught K-8 classroom music and private music lessons professionally since 2012. Click here to learn more about the Smiths.

Our Teachers

All of the teachers at Earth Song know that the most impactful learning stems from interest, motivation, and comfort. Every teacher takes time to understand each student's musical interests, unique skills, learning style, and personal goals. They use those elements for learning and growth in musicianship, confidence, creativity, communication, and more.

Our teachers are open minded and think outside-of-the-box. We’re here to support you on your musical journey, whatever that may look like uniquely for you.

We are so excited about our incredible team of teachers here at Earth Song.

Group Classes

Earth Song offers group classes throughout the year like open jam sessions, beginner guitar, beginner ukulele, vocal workshops, and more!


We host fun and casual performance events throughout the year like open mic nights and our annual Earth Song Music Fest!

Join our email list to get updates on upcoming events!