Christina Samar


Voice - songwriting - musical theater - acting - Piano - Guitar - Ukulele - flute - music production - composition - theory

Intuitive - improvisatory - contemporary


As a music teacher, Christina’s goal is to guide and inspire students to become curious leaders in their pursuit of life-long learning. She is a firm believer of leaving everything at the door when entering the classroom. The time with and relationship between a student and teacher is sacred, and must be nurtured with positivity, support, and understanding of each other. Christina believes that developing a safe environment and space where the student can openly discuss their day with excitement or concerns, is the basis for a supportive environment.

Christina has a passion for songwriting, producing, and working in the recording studio. Currently studying studio composition and production at West Chester University, she spends hours a day working in the recording studio writing, arranging, and producing music.

Christina has performed in 24 musical theater productions and most recently acted as Assistant Music Director for a local community theater production of Big Fish in 2021.

Christina is currently the Music Director of the award-winning a capella group, Under A Rest. Her role as Music Director includes writing and arranging music, recording/mixing/mastering, assisting with music video production, creating choreography, and preparing the group for community event performances and ICCA competitions.

She has had performance videos featured at VidCon and America’s Got Talent!

Christina’s mission as an educator is to guide and inspire students to become curious leaders in their pursuit of life-long learning and musical enjoyment! Learning is about pushing the boundaries of knowledge (and having fun along the way). When students enter a lesson, they will leave the learning space with an aching to learn more, to make a positive difference in their own lives, and to make a difference in the world.

West Chester University (Est. 2024)
BM Studio Composition + Music Education: Voice 
Minors: Studio Production + Entrepreneurship 
Honors Seminar Program